Project Overview
June 2023 - May 2026Budget
RINAType of Action
Innovation ActionThe concept
Funded by the European Union's Horizion Europe program, is a 5.9 million euros, three-year project that will be a responsive hub for deploying long-term governance centered on the mission to destress the Mediterranean Sea from chemical pollution, including peak concentrations in known HOT SPOTs.
In particular, the project will test and validate a chemical pollution remediation technology based on micro-algae solutions that will be integrated within existing water/wastewater treatment systems that will enhance the removal of heavy metals, pesticides, and PFAS and forever chemicals. Moreover, it will be complemented with mobile and fixed sensing systems to identify and measure the presence of chemical substances in both land and marine waters, being measured data delivered to the EC EMODnet platform to contribute to the Digital Twin of the Ocean.
Three sites (Italy, Greece and Turkey) have been chosen for demonstration and once realized, five replication sites will be added to the list for further investigation. To this end, local stakeholders will be empowered to manage this transformation.
Scientific and Technological Objectives
Non-Technological Objectives
Expected Results
Development of Adaptive and easily reproducible microalgae based plants for reducing heavy metals, PFAS, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides in polluted waters
Development of smart integrated measurement points for monitoring real chemical pollution cases
Integrate replicable microalgae-based technologies to existing wastewater treatment plants
Integration with Ocean and Water digital twins
Evolutionary holistic model to combine technology, business, social acceptability and accountability, and innovative governance based on regulatory paradigm.
Unregulated chemicals Characterization protocols for replication purposes
Input to Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive based on experience on real scenarios and contaminants
Tailored citizens empowerment models upscaled from local to national and EU level
Contribution to shared processes among Lighthouses as well as Blue Park Initiatives
Links with EC Mission Implementation Support Platform
RHE-MEDiation replication process
Communicate and disseminate the RHE-MEDiation achievements in open and transparent ways.